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Chelford C of E Primary School

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Christmas raffle now live - ends 15th Dec!

Always a huge fundraiser for the PTA, we are thrilled to announce that this year’s online raffle is live! Once again, our PTA team have come up trumps securing over 60 prizes, from rounds of golf to beauty treatments, meals out and fantastic family fun days - there’s something for everyone! We send our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all our supporters for their kind donations. 

How to get involved: Tickets cost just £1.00 and are available to buy online at https://raffall.com/chelfordpta. Details have also been added to our Twitter/X feed and school website homepage. 

As we have found in the past, moving the raffle online enables wider circulation, offering those beyond the school community and village to get involved. Please share the link with family and friends - ultimately, the more tickets we sell, the more money the PTA is able to raise to support our children.  A reminder of the fabulous work that the PTA have provided over recent years can be found on our PTA page: https://www.chelford.cheshire.sch.uk/PTA/