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Chelford C of E Primary School

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Digital Safeguarding

The use of technology is becoming a transformational tool for learning. Whilst the use of a wide range of different technologies can undoubtedly enhance pupils' learning experiences, there is a considerable need to ensure that all pupils are protected when embracing technologies such as accessing information on the internet.

Our strategies and procedures for promoting the safe use of technology is identified in our Digital Safety Policy.

In order to keep pupils safe in their use of online resources, we use the SMART acronym as seen below. These posters are displayed in all classes in the school and as part of our safeguarding display to remind pupils of their responsibilities.

SMART rules

smart rules poster a3 free.pdf

 Your Child's Online World: A Guide for Parents (NSPCC):

nspcc guidance your childs online world.pdf


Information and Support for Parents

The links below provide parents with useful information and guidance on how they can help ensure that their children enjoy the benefits of engaging with technology in a safe and secure environment:

UK Safer Internet Centre

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre



Parent Guides

The following guides have been published via the National Online Safety website: https://nationalonlinesafety.com/hub/guide.

Parents may find these resources to be useful in helping managing their child's relationship with these apps and platform.



If parents have any concerns, please feel free to contact the our designated safeguarding team.

Safeguarding Team (ID 1184)