On behalf of the governors, staff and pupils, I would like to extend a warm welcome to Chelford C of E Primary School.
We are a small, rural primary school situated in the heart of the thriving, growing village of Chelford. Our mission is to provide a learning environment in which children are inspired to recognise, nurture and share their talents and to achieve a sense of fulfilment and belonging as part of our family community.
Central to our work is the belief that happy children learn best: our approach is to inspire children to be the best they can be by providing an engaging, stimulating and enjoyable learning journey full of exciting opportunities across the whole curriculum.
I hope that you enjoy learning about our vision, values, curriculum and more via our website.
I would be delighted to welcome families looking for a school places to tour the school and learn more about us. Appointments can be made via email: head@chelford.cheshire.sch.uk / office: admin@chelford.cheshire.sch.uk or telephone: 01625 861351
A M Brady | Headteacher
The Chelford Curriculum
The Chelford Curriculum has been designed to ensure that knowledge accumulated over pupils' learning journey can be applied to aid the acquisition of new knowledge in a progressive manner. In doing so, the use of consolidation activities and teaching strategies - such as Kagan collaborative learning structures (quiz-quiz-trade, rally robin, round robin, all record round robin etc…) and 'flashback 4' activities ensure that pupils are provided opportunities to re-visit prior learning, thus increasing the opportunity for the transfer of knowledge and language to pupils' long term memory.
Design Technology
Phonics and Early Reading
PHSCE and Relationships
Physical Education
Religious Education
1:1 iPad Provision
Themed Weeks